Winegrowing estate in the province of Brescia in Italy



Estate located near Lake Garden, in the province of Brescia.
Vineyard area of approx. 18 ha.
The terrain is served by good commercial roads, making transport particularly easy.
Average age of vines: 8.5 years.
The entire plot is irrigated with a drip irrigation system. The company center consists of a villa dating from the early 20th century.
Although the winery does not fall within the specific delimitation, it benefits from a ministerial exemption for the vinification of Lugana DOC wines.
The winery has a paved surface area of 2,400 m².


  • Category : Food industry
  • Company location : Italy
  • Employees : N/A
  • Turnover : N/A
  • Company in difficulty : N/A
  • Reason for sale : N/A

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