Manufacturer of heavy-duty transport systems for industry and ports in Poland



Activity: Leading manufacturer of heavy-duty transport systems for industry and ports.
Products: Trailers (wheeled, flatbed, spreader, industrial, heavy-duty), chassis (single, container), rail-mounted carriers, self-propelled platform trucks, special vehicles/cassettes, goosenecks, lifting devices, trestles.
Average sales (2020-2023): €30m
Average EBITDA (2020-2023): +12%.
Key figures :
+70 welders and fitters
+1000 t/month of processed metal


  • Category : Capital goods
  • Company location : Poland
  • Employees : 50-100
  • Turnover : 10-50M€
  • Company in difficulty : N/A
  • Reason for sale : N/A

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