Blow molding company in Spain



Founded in the late 1970s, the company designs and manufactures asymmetrical extrusion blow-molded double-wall housings. It now focuses on the production of high-value-added technical plastic parts. A specialist in this technique, the company offers advanced designs never before seen on the blow-molding market. The company offers customized cases for each customer and a wide variety of technical parts, including, among others, technical parts for Tier 1 automotive producers and specific plastic parts for the healthcare industry. The company’s strategy in recent years has been to protect its core business, maintaining annual sales of around €7 million despite fierce global competition. At the same time, it has succeeded in boosting its high-end products through diversification, drawing on its expertise in blow molding, thanks to a talented workforce, which has resulted in high customer satisfaction.


  • Category : Chemicals, Plastics
  • Company location : Spain
  • Employees : N/A
  • Turnover : 5-10M€
  • Company in difficulty : N/A
  • Reason for sale : Change of activity

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