Large-scale steel equipment production in Belgium



This company is active in the mechanical design and manufacture of large-scale cylindrical process equipment (tanks, columns, towers, chimneys, silos, etc.) in carbon steel, stainless steel and nickel alloys.
It carries out contract manufacturing of highly technical equipment for major industrial players in sectors such as agri-food, petrochemicals, chemicals, environmental management, steelmaking, cement works, etc., either directly or via engineering structures or contractors.
Its well-diversified clientele is made up of well-known international and national companies, with 70% of its sales generated in Belgium and 30% on the export market.


  • Category : Capital goods
  • Company location : Belgium
  • Employees : 10-50
  • Turnover : 10-50M€
  • Company in difficulty : N/A
  • Reason for sale : Retirement

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