Manufacturer of high-performance plastic parts in Belgium



This international company is recognized as a leading player in the plastics industry.
It is active in the development, validation and manufacture of high-performance parts in technological fields requiring cutting-edge know-how, such as aeronautics, the medical sector, engineering and electronics.
Its customers are mainly leading international groups.
Its production sites, located in Europe and Asia, are highly flexible and equipped with a wide range of machines, enabling it to produce both small series and volumes of millions of parts per year.
The planned transaction involves the sale of all the shares in connection with the company’s retirement.
The buyer would be either a company in the sector, an industrial holding company in a related sector, or a build-up investment fund.
A private investor could be considered only if he has experience in the sector or in a related sector.


  • Category : Chemicals, Plastics
  • Company location : Belgium
  • Employees : 50-100
  • Turnover : 10-50M€
  • Company in difficulty : N/A
  • Reason for sale : Retirement

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