Metal automotive parts manufacturer in Poland



A company established for more than 50 years, this manufacturer of metallic automobile parts diversifies its activity in the level 2 and 3 automotive sector, certified IATF 16949. It offers a complete range of stamped, stamped, and molded plastic metal components, with services such as automatic assembly, surface treatments, resin bonding, and microcontact assembly. Its portfolio includes lighting components, air conditioning fittings, door latch inserts, automotive plugs, industrial relays, radiators, and more. Quality certifications (IATF 16949, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001) and global customer base, with direct sourcing to EU, Korea, India, China, Turkey, and Egypt.


  • Category : Metallurgy, Metalworking
  • Company location : Poland
  • Employees : 100-200
  • Turnover : 10-50M€
  • Company in difficulty : No
  • Reason for sale : Change of activity

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