Stationery wholesaler in Italy



Stationery and office supplies wholesale company with property located in northwest Italy.
The historic company is housed in a 1,200 m² building dedicated to sales outlets and offices, located in an industrial zone.
It has a network of 8 representatives covering the regions of Piedmont, Liguria and Valle d’Aosta.
Excellent, loyal customer base in the private and public sectors, with substantial consolidated sales over the past 3 years.
No debts, unpaid bills and/or mortgages, 12 employees, online catalog of around 8,000 items, 25% EBITDA.


  • Category : Professional equipment
  • Company location : Italy
  • Employees : 10-50
  • Turnover : 1-5M€
  • Company in difficulty : N/A
  • Reason for sale : N/A

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