Wine cellar in Llasi in Italy



Vineyards located in the communes of Cazzano di Tramigna, Illasi and Tregnago
Total vineyard area 32 ha
Vineyards registered for DOCG Valpolicella: 12 ha (owned) + 20 ha (leased).
Maximum annual production potential for Amarone and prestige IGT wines is around 100,000 0.75-l bottles.
Vineyard planting years from 1960 to 2019.
Buildings: 1,000 m² building, built from scratch in 2007/2008, entirely dedicated to the winery, grape reception, drying, pressing and fermentation, ageing in wood, bottle storage and tool shed.
Sumptuous historic villa with adjoining historic cellar recently purchased, where the company’s future image will be developed.


  • Category : Food industry
  • Company location : Italy
  • Employees : N/A
  • Turnover : N/A
  • Company in difficulty : N/A
  • Reason for sale : N/A

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