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Showing all 5 results

Dermatology company in Italy

Company location Italy
Employees N/A
Turnover 1-5M€
Company in difficulty N/A
Reason for sale N/A

Five day-care centers in Germany

Company location Germany
Employees 50-100
Turnover 1-5M€
Company in difficulty N/A
Reason for sale N/A

Experts in first aid training in Switzerland

Company location Switzerland
Employees 50-100
Turnover 1-5M€
Company in difficulty N/A
Reason for sale N/A

Rest and care homes with more than 100 beds approved in Belgium

Company location Belgium
Employees 50-100
Turnover 5-10M€
Company in difficulty N/A
Reason for sale N/A

Electrotechnical services provider in France

Company location France
Employees N/A
Turnover 5-10M€
Company in difficulty N/A
Reason for sale N/A

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